
Life Bank
Immune cell storage

Immune cells, commonly known as "Leukocytes", refer to the cells involved in or related to immune responses, including lymphocytes and various phagocytes, and are an important part of the immune system.

Body health and aging are closely related to the function of the immune system, and more than 80% of diseases are related to immune disorders. In 1962, the American pathologist Professor Walfod first proposed the concept of immunity and aging, that is, immune cells and their function will gradually decline with age, phagocytic function and cell chemotaxis, the number of immune cells and subpopulation will change, decreased ability of specific antibodies,etc., these changes will increase the incidence of aging-related diseases, such as tumors, metabolic syndrome, immune autoimmune diseases, infections, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases [1-3].

In view of this, immune cells should be stored in a deep cold liquid nitrogen tanks at -196℃ while they are young and healthy. When the immune system declines, replenish immune cells in time to refuel and patch the immune system and provide health protection. Dongguan Life Bank is a clinical-level comprehensive cell bank with international quality standards and can provide immune cell storage services.

Reference Documents

[1] A garwal S, B usse P J.Innate and adaptive immunosenescence[J]. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2010, 104(3): 183-190.

[2] Franceschi C,Capri M,Monti D,et al.Inflammaging and antiinflammaging: a systemic perspective on aging and longevity emerged from studies in humans[J]. Mech Aging Dev,2007,128:92-105.

[3] Goronzy JJ,Weyand CM.Understanding immunosenescence to improve responses to vaccines[J]. Nat Immunol,2013,14:428-436.